About Faculty

CT Holman teaches internationally and authored the textbooks Treating Trauma with Chinese Medicine and Shamanism in Chinese Medicine. With over 20 years practicing Chinese medicine, he operates a busy general family practice in Salem, Oregon. He teaches courses for the Lotus Institute in Chinese Medicine where he is the Director of Development, overseeing accreditation of the programs. He is a graduate of the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco and has extensive post-graduate education in the US and China under teachers who include: Lillian Bridges (Facial Diagnosis); Master Zhong Xian Wu (Macro Cosmic Treatment Theory/Qi Gong); Dr Wei Chieh-Young (Acupuncture and Physiology) and Dr Wang Ju-Yi (Channel Palpation, Acupuncture and Physiology). CT specializes in diagnosing and treating Trauma, Pain Management and Channel Palpation. He has been a drummer for over 30 years, produced a CD/MP3 of Chinese Medicine Drum Treatments, treats with and teaches Shamanic Drumming and teaches and practices Qi Gong. CT provides face reading consultations and offers several video courses on his website.
Please visit his web site: www.redwoodspring.com for more information.

Natalie McGrorty is the Lotus Institute's Creative Director and Master Face Reader. She is also an Artist and a Health Coach with work that spans both the creative and the healing arts. in her creative practice, Natalie has worked across a number of disciplines including printmaking and Artists' Books. Within the healing arts she has particular expertise in Face Reading/Facial Diagnosis and works with pelvic pain conditions, menstrual health, fertility and birth. She supports women in reconnecting to the inherent wisdom of the body, as a path to health and vitality. Her educational background includes an Art Degree from the University of West of England along with extensive training and certification in Face Reading and multiple modalities within Women's Health. All the artwork featured throughout the Lotus website (including the logo) is all created by Natalie!
Her healing website is: http://www.lunarhealingarts.com and her art website is: www.nataliemcgrorty.com

Stephen and Kelsey von der Burg Lesefko are Lillian’s son and daughter in law. After Lillian’s two sons, Stephen and Alex, inherited the Lotus Institute and Lillian’s teachings, they decided to fulfill Lillian’s last wishes in continuing to provide her knowledge to anyone who would like to learn. They work together to run the day to day activities of the Lotus Institute. Stephen is a winemaker and Kelsey works for Microsoft. They live in Seattle with their two children, Hendrik and Ilse.