Ming Questions
Ming Module Questions | To be completed for NCCAOM Continuing Education Credits
To be completed after viewing all sessions of the Ming Module. Please send your completed quiz answers to Kelsey at info@lotusinstitute.com.
1. What lines on the face represent your body running on its path?
- Purpose Lines
- Joy Lines
- Grief Lines
- Bitter Lines
- Late 20’s
- Late 60’s
- Late 40’s
- Late Teens
- Late 20’s
- Late 60’s
- Late 40’s
- Late Teens
- Late 20’s
- Late 60’s
- Late 40’s
- Late Teens
- Mountains
- Rivers
- Cities
- Swamps
- Mountains
- Rivers
- Cities
- Swamps
- Rest
- Embody your Shen
- Be
- All the Above
- Pungent
- Savory
- Umami
- All the Above
- Gratitude
- Compassion
- Inner wisdom
- Action
- Purification in the Spleen
- Toxicity in the Kidneys
- Toxicity in the Liver
- Phlegm Misting the Heart