Shen Module

Shen Module 


The Spirit Manifested

  • Signs of Shen on the Face – Eyes, Skin, Smile
  • Shen to Shen Transmission, Shen Colors
  • Emotional Qi Gong- the Five Human Emotions and the Five Transcendent Emotions
  • The Power of Peach Luck
  • Signs of Sexuality and Fertility
  • Lying and Truth Telling
  • Shen Blockages - Diagnosing with Shen
  • Shen Disturbances - Personality Disorders, Psychopathy and Mental Illness
  • Shen Deficiency - The Psychological and Emotional Underlay of Disease
  • Shen Treatments – Increasing and Enhancing Shen
  • Extraordinary Meridians and Ghost Points of the Face - Unblocking Shen